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Learn-A-Little HTML

Basic HTML Shell

Every HTML document consists of two parts:  a head and a body.  The head contains the title.  The body contains the actual text of our page.  It can consist of lists, paragraphs, forms, tables, or other elements we wish to display to the user.  The four required elements of an HTML document looks like this:


<title>This is the title of my page</title>

This is the main part of my document.


The <HTML> tag tells the browser that the document is an HTML document.  The <HEAD> tag contains the title, which is shown in the title bar of your window.  It can also contain some extra information such as META tags to help the search engines index your site, or JavaScript to add functionality.  The <TITLE> tag displays the title of your document in the browser.  This is the part that is displayed in a bookmark list when a user saves your page.  It should be short and descriptive of your page.The main part of the document is contained within the <BODY> tags.  This is where your text, graphics, and your formatting are placed.In the box below, try creating a very basic HTML document following the example above.  Type your own text for the title and body sections. Your tags can be either upper case or lower case.

Piece of cake!  Let's start formatting with lists.


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