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Learn-A-Little HTML

Submit / Reset Buttons

Using the <INPUT> tag, we can clear all of the entries we've made on an HTML form.  To do this, we use RESET to create a push button that will reset all of the form values back to their defaults.  A VALUE string identifies the button for the user.  For example:

<INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="clear the form">

will look like this in a browser:


The <INPUT> tag also allows us to submit the form data using the SUBMIT type with a VALUE attribute that gives the button a name for the user.  Look at these examples:

<INPUT TYPE="submit">  looks like:  

or this:

<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="send it in!">looks like:  

Now you try it:

That's it!  You can now create a basic HTML document.  I hope you've enjoyed the journey.  Please take a few moments to test yourself and answer a few questions.




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